Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone by J. K. Rowling | Book Review

“And another one bites the dust,” is my favourite Queen quote that my brain plays for me every time after I finish reading a book. This was another such time. (Dammit now I have that song playing in my head! And it will probably stay there, playing on loop until another song replaces it.) Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone was my eighth read this year. (An exciting thought is; if I read a book every five days from today onwards; I’ll have met my 21-books-read-(starting from January)-before-I turn-21 challenge! I try to be a positive person; however, I do doubt I’ll be able to make it, but I will endeavour to get as far as I can. My TBR list rather outweighs my books-read list, it would be could to start evening it out.)

The Sidhe by Charlotte Ashe | Book Review

Book 7 of 2023 out of my Goodreads challenge of reading 21 books this year. Why 21? Because I turn 21 this year obviously.I only read 7 books last year, so I feel like I’m on the right track. Yes, I’m a slow reader, as well as an on-and-off reader, which doesn’t help but withContinueContinue reading “The Sidhe by Charlotte Ashe | Book Review”

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer | Book Review

TwilightBook 1 in the Twilight SagaEnglish EditionFormat Kindleby Stephenie Meyer2005 “About three things I was absolutely positive.First, Edward was a vampire.Second, there was a part of him—and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be—that thirsted for my blood.And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” Fantasy Young Adult Romance FictionContinueContinue reading “Twilight by Stephenie Meyer | Book Review”