About Gin & Tonic

~ Gin and Tonic ~

My short story Gin and Tonic is based around my original character Tonya, a teenage girl discovering her sexuality.

My Gin and Tonic Story is a Modern-Day Fiction Romance that explores Lesbian/Bisexual sexualities (LGBTQ+)…

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Gin and Tonic – Short Story

A short story concocted with a few real-life experiences, a dash of exaggeration, a drop of happy endings, and copious amounts of self-questioning and self-doubt.

She stared at her black phone screen.
It had been months since Ginny had texted back. Not even a ‘How are you?’ Or a ‘Miss you Xxx’ could get her to text back. Tonya even used a second Instagram account to reach her after losing her old account. She didn’t cry over the ghosting. She never cried for Ginny anyway. It wasn’t anything serious. A few texts, a few pictures, a few common interests. She was an experiment. It was nice at the start, bouncing back and forth with gaming gibberish and sharing passions.
Tonya looked away from her phone and leaned back into her chair, wistfully staring off into space, looking in the direction of the nearest wall.

About Lily

My pen name is Lily Obediah Laverick: names all belonging to my family, including my great grandparents and further back still. You can call me LOL for short. I love a good laugh.

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  • contact@lilylaverick.com

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Queer, Indie Author of Boy Jayck and soon Ocean of Emotions.

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