Regal justice – Short Story

A/N: Using the same characters from Silver in the Green but in an alternate universe. A fanfiction of my own story if you like. (Finished 02/10/2022) The echoes were fresh in Angelish’s mind. His used-to-being-slammed door was slammed open after the man his mother had married barged in. She had married him when she fellContinueContinue reading “Regal justice – Short Story”

Silver in the Green – Flash Fiction

A/N: One thousand words about a teen up in a tree. (Finished 11/08/2022) “Angelish!” He could hear them shout from where he sat. Perched, one foot dangling sitting crouched on his other, his hands pulling down a plentiful leaf filled branch to keep him hidden amongst the thick branches and summer leaves. His silver hairContinueContinue reading “Silver in the Green – Flash Fiction”

Gin and Tonic – Short Story

Gin and Tonic – Short Story A/N: A short story concocted with a few real-life experiences, a dash of exaggeration, a drop of happy endings, and copious amounts of self-questioning and self-doubt. (Finished 01/06/2022 She stared at her black phone screen. It had been months since Ginny had texted back. Not even a ‘How areContinueContinue reading “Gin and Tonic – Short Story”