June Progress and Updates

(First sent out as a Newsletter Thu, June 8th 7:59 am to 11 recipients)

Hello all you lovely people. How have you all been doing? I’ve been keeping myself busy with editing ‘Boy Jayck’ and listening to audiobooks.

I’m loving the editing process; I don’t see why so many don’t like it. Yes, you have to reread your work thousands of times but that’s why you should write the books you want to read.

Before I finished writing the first draft and getting hit with occasional writer’s block, I’d go and edit from the top and work my way down until I felt ready to continue writing the rest of the story. In doing that I never really saw the middle of my story, until now. It’s really nice rereading it for the first time in months. It feels good when there’s parts that I don’t feel need editing, and it feels great with the things I can add, all the special details. Writing is like art, keep going back until you feel it’s done. Writing is my art.

As for audiobook, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the Vino & Veritas series (free with subscription on audible). Up until book 7 I have loved each and every one! The characters are so lovable and some relatable even if they are guys and gay, lol. But I’ve reached book 7 and I couldn’t get into it. I’m not sure it’s because it’s my first F/F romance and I struggle with it because of my own womanly issues, or if it’s the characters in general. One of the girls is a party girl, she won’t end up being a comfort character, that I can be certain of. I’m going to try again with the next one in the series, another F/F romance, but if I don’t like it at least, I know I prefer M/M romances and enjoy M/F YA romances.
On a side note, this morning while adding free with subscription books to my audible library I came across one called ‘Consorting with Dragons’ by Sera Trevor, and it is so good! I’m a bit more than a quarter into it and it’s definitely my sort of comfort read. Romance, Fantasy, Merlin vibes with Regency and Royalty, drama and bullying from background characters…
Do you guys have some suggestions of reads I should try out?

In anticipation of my upcoming birthday party at the end of this month, themed to be a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, here are ten—or as many things as I can think of—impossible things* in BOY JAYCK, Book 1 in the Lavarian Galaxy series. Well, they’re not quite impossible, but certainly leaning towards the more fantasy-ish.
These are very minor spoilers and teasers so if you’d prefer to read Boy Jayck spoiler free then feel free to skip these. Though it’s not like any major plot twist is going to be revealed.

  1. Fireplaces light themselves with a special mechanism.
  2. Window shatter spontaneously.
  3. The sky on Fallacia is not blue but purple and stars are visible.
  4. Dragonfly like beings used to exist.
  5. Think pirate ship and Titanic merged as boats in space.
  6. Jayck has glowing white rings around his irises.
  7. The weather on Fallacia is linked with one of the major characters.
  8. Grebus has a clock window that measures… something (honestly, I have forgotten myself, how I managed to write this book is beyond me, lol)

*(If you have seen Alice in Wonderland (2010) you’ll know the reference).

I love questions and I love answering them, so if you have any please do ask them and I can answer them in future newsletters and blog posts.

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