Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone by J. K. Rowling | Book Review

“And another one bites the dust,” is my favourite Queen quote that my brain plays for me every time after I finish reading a book. This was another such time. (Dammit now I have that song playing in my head! And it will probably stay there, playing on loop until another song replaces it.)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone was my eighth read this year. (An exciting thought is; if I read a book every five days from today onwards; I’ll have met my 21-books-read-(starting from January)-before-I turn-21 challenge! I try to be a positive person; however, I do doubt I’ll be able to make it, but I will endeavour to get as far as I can. My TBR list rather outweighs my books-read list, it would be could to start evening it out.)

I’m never quite sure how to write reviews, not been doing it long enough to know.
I guess I’ll start with how I read Harry Potter.
I listened to it, and if I hadn’t, I don’t think I would have been able to read it in the first place.
Read out loud by none other than Stephen Fry I was really immersed into the world. Had I read it; the style of writing would have put me off.
The first time, many years ago, when I first picked up this book from my granddad’s bookshelf I struggled.
On one hand, I was younger, and my English reading and writing skills were appalling compared to most other’s my age, but then again, I was brought up in France and learnt my English by French teachers. (I have learnt a lot more about grammar in this last year of writing for myself than I ever did in school.) On the other hand, also back then my mum started reading it too me, even she struggled with how Rowling wrote.
But you can’t beat a bit of Stephen Fry can you!
He did it brilliantly and because of that I listened to it in just two days. Thankfully for my brain’s capacity, I was able to do my Pinterest work at the same time. Couldn’t write my book however, though when I did go to write, even if my goal was just two hundred words my head went blank. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to listing to the audio book.
I think my favourite bit about Stephen Fry reading it was how he did the voices, they were perfect! Hagrid’s was my favourite!

I already knew the storyline of course; I have watched all the Harry Potter films at least ten times, each. We need to get a new DVD of the last film because it’s scratch from the many times we’ve watched it, and from accidental droppages.

When was I moment I squealed? It was near the beginning, when Harry was going down his list of the school-supplies he needed, specifically when he went over the books. And there I had not been expecting to hear ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.’ In all honest I love Fantastic Beasts more than Harry Potter. I mean come on! Eddie Redmayne! He’s absolutely lush! He’s I’m sure the reason I fell for my ex because he looked like him. Anyway, getting off track.

My views on J. K. Rowling; I don’t like the woman, not her views on a big portion her the community she’s built or her attitude. But—like Justin Bieber in the way I can listen to his music, appreciate it but still not like the guy himself—I can read her books and separate them from her. I do hope in the future no one would do that to me with my books, but beggars can’t be choosers. I’d simply be happy if my books were being read.

I would certainly recommend this book, in any of its forms to my friends. We all need a little bit more magic in our lives.

I might expand this review one day but for now this will do. I hoped you liked it. See you all soon! Don’t forget to like this blog post! Xxx

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